Nutrients - Nutrition Facts App Reviews

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Simple, clear and easy to use.

Very comprehensive app

Good app. Must have if you care about your health.

Got it!

You must have this one on your iPhone or iPad. Perfectly match with my requests,


This app doesnt work after upgrading IOS6.


undoubtedly irreplaceable app for everyone who wants to be in harmony with their body and/or lose weight. great thanks xoxo

Necessary and useful

The app is well done, comes in handy for healthy living. The only missing feature is information on vitamins and minerals daily doses and consequences of under- and overdosing. Thanks a lot.

Very usefull apps!

I use almost every day!


Its just beautiful. Smart and friendly.


Very nice!

Foods missing

No data on chicken eggs? Seriously?

Very good

Must have app

Good App

in the next update add the amino acid content of each food.

Perfect for what I needed

This is a great app particularly if you find that geeky moment in life where you MUST know (approx) how many of what kind of nutrients you are taking in per meal. I am very pleased with the ability to modify values, and it has helped me to effectively research proper supplementation and future vitamin purchases.

Non vegan friendly

Did not have my brackets in the proteins just dont have a lot of info want to return the app dont think I will use it.

Some obvious fixable shortcomings

1. The food list is too limited. This really needs a custom food function so users can add their own foods manually with the nutritional information. For example, as part of my diet I got no natural source of B12 so regularly eat nutritional yeast flakes fortified with B12 - I cant record this and my micronutrient journal will always show a major vitamin B12 deficiency. This obviates the point of nutrition tracking. There is no reason to keep users from adding personal custom foods to their pantries. 2. It also needs an export function: Im using this app specifically to record micronutrients which is where myfitnesspal fails miserably and this app could theoretically succeed. I would like to extract the data later to see if there are correlations with health outcomes. 3. It should be compatible with Fitbit! 4. The recipe feature needs work. First a user should enter all the ingredients then enter the number of servings. Imagine a recipe has four servings. The way things stand, all the data entered count as one serving and a user can select 1/4 serving when saving it in the journal to reflect the true intended serving size. But it only goes down to 1/4 so if you wanted to write that you had half a true serving, there is no 1/8. Too fiddly to work around. This could be really good, so fix these easy issues!

Needs more

I like a lot of the features, however allowing the user to add and save products and nutritional info would be better or even to scan them into the system. Im vegan and there arent any protein powders that are plant based or plant based cheese either. So my journal shows me having a protein deficiency.

hate it for recipe building

just paid for this app, only to discover its extremely limited food library. when inputting ingredients to calculate nutrition facts of a homemade meal, I found it nearly incomprehensible. dont waste your money like I did.

Good for free

Update: this app is falling behind other apps due to a limited food database and lack of bar code scanning. The data they supply is very good, but their database is incomplete. They are missing basic items like steak, bread and sweet potatoes. Also, unable to sort by nutrient. e.g. What veggie is highest in vitamin C? Etc.

Needs work

While it has a good set up it has a very skewed selection of food options. It has every option off the McDonald menu and yet not an option for mixed greens (in terms of a salad). This could be okay, but it also has no function that allows you to add new food items that arent provided. Id be happy to input the nutritional information of some of my commonly eaten foods that arent listed, but as of right now I have no way to accurately record them. Which could be fine for a free app but a big problem for a ten dollar one. Probably will stop using soon due to this issue.

great nutrient info, but lacking a few features

I’ve been looking for an app to track micronutrient data for quite some time and, as others have stated, nutrients does a great job at this. however, it would be awesome if it could: 1) allow users to input custom foods and nutrition data. while the database contains many foods, it doesn’t have everything (reasonably so). these foods could even be saved in a new category (eg community) that others could enable in search. it’d be really cool if data could be entered via a picture of a nutrition facts label, but thats a nice-to-have feature. 2) provide more flexibility in recipe serving size. 1/4 of a recipe is sometimes still too large. allowing a user-entered value should be simple. its just math, after all. 3) improve search. if I type “beef,” the only result is beef carcass, but no ground beef.

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