For what is available, this is the best app I found for what I needed. However there are a few things that would make this a great app! First, my purpose is to track my nutrients every day. But the journal does not allow you to go back and edit a days items. This was a real bummer. I woke up this morning and was forced to enter my food items from last night, on todays date. Also, I am using this for the purpose of tracking my vitamin needs during my pregnancy. So it would be extremely helpful if there was some way to calculate everything daily. There is no other app out there that does this. If these two functions were added, I am sure you could definitely increase your revenue. Especially if you would promote it to the pregnancy community. Finally, it would be great if you simply added a notes page. Where users could take personal notes. Ideally, integrated into the journal page some how. I am calculating my nutrients and storing key details in a notepad. I am sure this one is probably an easy add.
Thank you for your efforts. I look forward to seeing whats to come.